当前位置: 游戏补丁 > 升级补丁 > 《战争之人:突击小队》V1.50.1(1.0930)升级补丁


  • 大小:566M
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 类别:升级补丁
  • 授权:免费软件
  • 时间:2010-12-28
  • 官网:未知
  • 环境:Windows10, Windows8, Windows7, WinVista, WinXP
  • 安全检测:无插件360通过腾讯通过金山通过瑞星通过






升级后 游戏内的版本号显示上不会有任何变化,只要你确认你没覆盖错,就OK。
此次更新了.exe主程序,优化游戏性能,同时1.pat 被官方加密了,但新增的2.pat没加密,可惜里面是空的没内容,不知道为什么。
因为菜单变动较大。增加了 英雄 难度 还有DLC 菜单等等。虽然之前老汉化包有点不适用了,但是考虑到英文不好的玩家,还是继续使用不完整汉化补丁

此补丁 可以从任意版本 升级到 v1.50.1 (1.0930)

Version: v1.50.1 (1.0930) 修正和增加内容如下

* Added new ranks for game lobby
* Changed game engine to support shader model 3
* Changed all shaders to run on shader model 3
* Changed some shaders to improve visual quality
* Changed max game time to 120min
* Changed cover damage modifier from 0.75 to 0.65
* Changed looks of tankcommanders
* Changed text orientation
* Reworked all frontlines maps to fit requirements
* Fixed some model bugs
* Fixed at miner and ap miner CP and Scores
* Changed rain environment to be less hardware demanding
* Increased price of M5A1 from 280 MP to 300 MP
* Increased price of M4A3E8 from 750 MP to 800 MP
* Increased price of Archer from 675 MP to 700 MP
* Increased max rang of small caliber weapons from 100m to 110m
* Rebalanced self-proppelled artillery
* Rebalanced AA-guns
* Fixed backwards speed of Archer
* Fixed Wespe sound
* Fixed vision bug of Daimler
* Fixed AA mgun of Tiger
* Fixed some map errors
* Fixed that MoW:AS was using same cd-key registry like MoW
* Added new ammo for Shotguns
* Added new ammo for Nebelwerfer41
* Changed M12 Shotgun effects and weapon behaviour
* Rebalanced AA guns and tanks
* Fixed Commonwealth crash
* Fixed some model bugs




